Roberto Lombardini
2017-10-10 11:36:23 UTC
We are currently managin a GIS web application running on mapguide server 2.5
installed over a Windows Server instance with 22 cores running at 2.6 Ghz
and 24Gb of ram.
We are currently serving a maximum of about 50-60 users. The data for the
various map layers are stored over a PostgreSQL DB instance running on the
same server. Currently we are serving from the same mgserver instance 3
different web server applications (running over Tomcat 7) and about 10
different maps with approximately 50 layers each.
We are experiencing severe performance issues. Even just retrieving a map
from the web browser can take a time variable from 8 to 40 seconds.
Unfortunately this is unacceptable as users need to work all day long with
this system and such a delay severely reduces their productivity.
Monitoring the system resources we noticed that neither the ram nor the CPU
usage is maxed out. During the moments of maximum stress mgserver.exe
consumes about 50% of cpu (out of a total of about 70% of cpu usage) with
about 254 threads attached (but only a small bunch of them are actually
consuming notable cpu resources, in the order of 3-4%).
We have tried to change some of the parameters of serverconfig.ini and
webclient.ini, in particular increasing the following values:
*Admin connections:
MaxConnections = 40
ThreadPoolSize = 40
*Client connections:
MaxConnections = 120
ThreadPoolSize = 120
*Site connections:
MaxConnections = 80
ThreadPoolSize = 80
We have also tried unsuccessfully to use half these values, similar to the
1:3:2 ratio per core suggested on some web pages, however the response times
of the server remained slow and the cpu usage is still high but not maxed
Furthermore, from the performance.log it seems that the cache size being
used is 6 out of a maximum of 100 so we excluded that bottleneck. Also the
number of concurrent sessions is about 110 out of 200 so even this does not
seem to be the cause of the slow performances.
It seems as if mapguide is spawning threads that, for some unknown reason,
are not fully using the avilable cpu resources.
Do you have ideas? What can we do to debug the problem?
Thank you.
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installed over a Windows Server instance with 22 cores running at 2.6 Ghz
and 24Gb of ram.
We are currently serving a maximum of about 50-60 users. The data for the
various map layers are stored over a PostgreSQL DB instance running on the
same server. Currently we are serving from the same mgserver instance 3
different web server applications (running over Tomcat 7) and about 10
different maps with approximately 50 layers each.
We are experiencing severe performance issues. Even just retrieving a map
from the web browser can take a time variable from 8 to 40 seconds.
Unfortunately this is unacceptable as users need to work all day long with
this system and such a delay severely reduces their productivity.
Monitoring the system resources we noticed that neither the ram nor the CPU
usage is maxed out. During the moments of maximum stress mgserver.exe
consumes about 50% of cpu (out of a total of about 70% of cpu usage) with
about 254 threads attached (but only a small bunch of them are actually
consuming notable cpu resources, in the order of 3-4%).
We have tried to change some of the parameters of serverconfig.ini and
webclient.ini, in particular increasing the following values:
*Admin connections:
MaxConnections = 40
ThreadPoolSize = 40
*Client connections:
MaxConnections = 120
ThreadPoolSize = 120
*Site connections:
MaxConnections = 80
ThreadPoolSize = 80
We have also tried unsuccessfully to use half these values, similar to the
1:3:2 ratio per core suggested on some web pages, however the response times
of the server remained slow and the cpu usage is still high but not maxed
Furthermore, from the performance.log it seems that the cache size being
used is 6 out of a maximum of 100 so we excluded that bottleneck. Also the
number of concurrent sessions is about 110 out of 200 so even this does not
seem to be the cause of the slow performances.
It seems as if mapguide is spawning threads that, for some unknown reason,
are not fully using the avilable cpu resources.
Do you have ideas? What can we do to debug the problem?
Thank you.
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