[mapguide-users] MGTileSeeder Help
Tim Price
2018-02-02 15:19:22 UTC
Hey Everyone - We're looking at the MGTileSeeder with great anticipation.

However I keep crashing the MGTileSeeder on both my Development and
Production MapGuide Server (both MGOS after just a few tiles
are generated successfully. (See Attached Image)
I am using a tileSetDefinition in EPSG:26917, TileSize 1024x1024, PNG,
RenderOnly False.

The Seeder error reads MGConnectionFailedException. MapGuide Error Log
doesn't show anything.

Thanks for anything you can offer.

Tim <Loading Image...>

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Jackie Ng
2018-02-03 02:49:42 UTC
I've ... never seen this error before???

The only thing I can suggest is to use a tool like fiddler
(https://www.telerik.com/fiddler) and see what particular requests are
failing. You should be able to see the urls of the failing requests and then
be able to isolate even further (does it error on these particular [x, y, z]
tiles? etc)

- Jackie

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2018-02-04 09:51:51 UTC
Are you creating tiles from vector sources or rasters?

Not sure this will help, but there is a lot of load on the raster provider
on the server with tiling and so if you run the MGSERVER in interactive mode
(ie on Windows you would stop the service, start a CMD prompt and set the
GDAL debug variable to verbose (cant remember that syntax) then mggerver.exe

Some errors are not carried through to the logs but this may show more. I
think MG 3.1.1 / 3.3 fixes an error propogation problem.

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Tim Price
2018-02-06 15:39:54 UTC
Thanks for replying guys.

I am not tiling any Rasters at all. I've tried just testing one shapefile
source at two scale levels.

Looking at things in Fiddler - Everything seems fine (All Result = 200) and
the tiles builds successfully before the crash with no failure or details on
the crash itself. If I re-run MGTileSeeder it will start over at 0 tiles but
skip over the previously built ones quickly and then build new tiles until
crashing again. Two or three minutes of building then a crash. I can
eventually complete the sample tile set after running MGTileSeeder 15 times
but I don't want to do this when I have millions of tiles to run when I do
get this figured out. I've attached an image.

Thanks again for looking into this.
<Loading Image...>

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2018-02-06 20:27:20 UTC
Concurrent access to SHP files - shouldn't be an issue? Have you tried
throttling back parallel/concurrent requests in the tiler to 1 to see if
that solves, then ramp up again.

The MGSettings.ini file isn't set-up for high performance running. It's a
black art, but maybe altering the default settings here. A good blog post
for settings that work on high performance hardware would be great from
anyone who really understands them (Jackie? :-) )

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Tim Price
2018-02-06 21:33:31 UTC
Thanks Crispin - Where is the parameter to alter parallel/concurrent requests
(serverconfig.ini doesn't seem to have one related to tiling)?

Also - I don't see a MGSettings.ini file (unless you were just aliasing the
serverconfig.ini file)

The old MGCooker did have a editable parameter for parallel/concurrent
requests but can't find one in MGTileSeeder.

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Tim Price
2018-02-07 15:46:28 UTC
Update on my issue.

I got a look at the beginning of the error. Seems like a timeout issues. But
what ServerConfig parameter would I change to help the MGTileSeeder from
timing out? (See attached Image)

I also witnessed the Bounding Box parameter is not respected and the same
number of tiles are attempted to be generated regardless of it (61 million
if BBOX unspecified, 61 million if using a smaller BBOX specified in the
command line). It seems the only extent that matters is the one in the

Is it possible my SRS could be the problem? I am using EPSG:26917
<Loading Image...>

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Hans Milling
2018-02-09 09:39:33 UTC
If MapGuide crashes/hangs, try to add your Shape files with the OGR provider
instead of the SHP provide. From time to time we have clients who experience
problems using the SHP provider, then OGR provider works better for Shape

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Tim Price
2018-02-09 20:04:04 UTC
Thanks Hans,

I did try the OSGeo.OGR provider and assuming I setup the Feature Source
correctly (See Image) it still did not tile seed properly. This is the only
layer in the tileSetDefinition too. I've attached a full work up of my issue
in the image. Have a good weekend!

<Loading Image...>

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