[mapguide-users] mapguide-react-layout 0.7 released
Jackie Ng
2017-01-02 16:02:28 UTC
Hi All,

I've put out a new release of mapguide-react-layout.


This release contains lots of new features which I've blogged about here


- Jackie

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2017-01-02 19:07:53 UTC
Happy New Year Jackie. Fantastic job!
I cannot believe how responsive and fast the new view is!


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Jackie Ng
2017-01-04 08:22:56 UTC
Good to hear about the speed. Have you been trying this with really "heavy"
maps with 100 or more layers?

- Jackie

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2017-01-04 08:48:48 UTC

I have tested it with "heavy" maps, with many layers.
The layers is connected to PostGIS, SQLite, SHP files and WMS.
It is very good speed!

I have found out that if I have more than two levels in layergroups, the
layer legend doesn't work.
Is this a known issue?

And I have more than one layer with flyouts (maptip), only the first layer
with flyout works.
For example, I have a polygon layer that have a flyout. If I then have a
point layer over that polygon layer, the flyout for the point doesn't show
up. Or is it only in my installation?

I am using MapGuide OpenSource v3.1.0.9064 on a Windows 10 x64.
The browser I use is Microsoft Edge, IE11, Firefox 50.1.0, Google Chrome
Version 55.0.2883.87 m.

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Jackie Ng
2017-01-04 23:54:29 UTC
Re: nested layergroups

Most likely a bug, probably because I forget that a layergroup itself can
have child layergroups

Re: maptip

I'm sure this is normal behaviour that the tooltip query stops at the first
feature of a matching tooltip-enabled layer and returns tooltip data for
that feature.

Good to hear another data point about the good performance. I suspect the
legend was the bottleneck for older viewers on heavy maps due to the large
amount of DOM nodes (to represent layers/groups/rules) needed to be manually
created/shuffled around.

React and its highly-performant virtual DOM makes this a non-issue, which is
why the legend in mapguide-react-layout is much more snappy.

- Jackie

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2017-01-05 08:47:21 UTC
Have tested with other layers now that have tooltip.
Found out that I can't get any tooltip on point layers and line layers, only
on area layers.
It works fine if I have two area layers and when I move my pointer over the
different area layers.
So the problem is the point layer and line layer, I think.

Have tested it on ipad also, and the tooltip show up there also when I hold
my finger for some second on the object, very nice!

- Dan

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Jackie Ng
2017-01-05 22:04:09 UTC
Re: ipad

That's ... surprisingly great!

Since tablets have no notion of mouse events, something must've translated
the long press to an idle mouse pointer that triggers the tooltip request

- Jackie

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Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2017-01-06 13:57:55 UTC
When using sidebar.html template and web layouts then in viewer(chrome,
firefox) I got only a slice of map not full map as it was defined in
Visible map area is about 46km x 395km so map height is reduced.
Full map size must be about 250x395km.
Is there are any restrictions about map window size?
Using aqua, slate or other templates and applicationdefinitions then map
size is correctly in viewer.


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Jackie Ng
2017-01-06 15:27:32 UTC
That sounds strange. Sidebar template doesn't do anything special, it's a
"full screen" map with a responsive sidebar draped over on the left hand

If you look at the map image rendering requests made in your browser dev
tools, do the width and height parameters match your browser viewport size?

- Jackie

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Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2017-01-07 12:21:32 UTC
Now same problem occurs using slate, aqua or other templates also, something
completely broken when trying to use react.
But Sheboygan webloyout working normally so something must be wrong with my
own map or layout.
Background Openstreetmap is fully visible but all other layers is visible
only in the center of the map screen.
Does somebody else having similar issues. For me react layout is not working
also in my second mapguide server I set it up. Can it be some coordinate
system problem?

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Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2017-02-06 18:01:15 UTC
This is so annyoing. I have same problem in three different servers I
have(win 7 and win 10 and MG 3.1).
Strange is when using Sheboygan sample then react layouts working as it
But when I use my own made maps then react not working. Maybe this is some
some CS problem.
I use EPSG:3301 and 3857. Sheboygan uses 4326 but also 3857 and both
Somebody have any idea, whats can be wrong?


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2017-02-06 18:43:57 UTC
I found the source of problem and this was Infrastructure Studio(latest one).
I tried to create layout using Maestro and then react is working.


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Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Jackie Ng
2017-02-07 10:17:14 UTC
I'd be interested in having a copy of the layout that Infr. Studio produced,
just to see what in it causes the viewer to break.

- Jackie

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Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2017-02-07 20:59:46 UTC
I have made lot of research related this issue I'm experiencing and found
that Studio is not breaking layout for react but issue is related to map
definition. When creating map with Studio and set map extent using "use
current map zoom to set these coordinates" and then use this map and react
layout then layer is not fully visible. Even if layer in Studio map
preview seems fully visible is not correctly visible using react layout.
When you use same map which was previously created by Studio and use
Maestro to create new extent for map and save the map, then layer is
correctly visible using react layout.
So Studio map view extent generation causing some error for react layout.
I added also package I made for better understand the problem.
Some explanation using package:
Studio_map_false: this is map created with Studio and added extents for map.
Studio_map_true: this is fixed map( new extent for map) by Maestro.
Studio_flex_true: layout created with Studio using map
definition(Studio_map_true) which works with react.
Studio_flex_false: layout created with Studio using map
definition(Studio_map_false) which is causing faulty layer visibility with


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Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Jackie Ng
2017-02-08 11:39:20 UTC
Issue logged:

Thanks for the package, this will help.

- Jackie

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Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2017-02-08 19:15:42 UTC
I'm a big Mapguide fan so if I can help to get it better then I'll help as
much as I can.


View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/mapguide-react-layout-0-7-released-tp5301769p5307028.html
Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Jackie Ng
2017-10-11 15:07:56 UTC
An update for this bug.

I had been artificially capping the OL image layers to the extents declared
in the Map Definition. Why did I do this? I honestly don't remember :)

But that capping of extents is what was causing the strange "cropped out"
effect you were experiencing for the problem map.

This is fixed for the next release (0.11)

- Jackie

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