[mapguide-users] Accepting applications to join the MapGuide PSC
Jackie Ng
2018-01-22 23:47:37 UTC
Hi All,

In light of recent events, we are looking to rebuild the MapGuide Project
Steering Committee (PSC) so that it truly reflects and serves the needs of
this community going forward.

The MapGuide PSC needs to have 8 fully active members on it. Therefore, we
currently have 2-3 vacant spots on the PSC that need to be filled in.

To be part of the MapGuide PSC means you have a stake or interest in the
direction of the MapGuide Open Source project going forward. If you are
interested in joining the MapGuide PSC, please reply indicating your

- Jackie

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Hans Milling
2018-01-23 07:28:49 UTC
Hi Jackie

Can you describe a bit more what kind of work is done by the PSC and how
much time each month is normally used for the work? Any special skills
required or "nice to have"?

Best regards
Hans Milling...

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Jackie Ng
2018-01-24 10:24:40 UTC
Hi Hans,

That's a good question.

You can find out about what the formal duties of the MapGuide PSC are on
this (finally updated!) page:


In practice, the PSC's primary duty is to comment (if they are able to) and
vote to adopt (implement) or reject any RFCs (Request For Comment) that come
through the mapguide-internals mailing list. Although most MapGuide RFCs in
the past few years have all come from myself, anyone can submit and RFC and
it is the duty of the PSC to provide feedback (where possible) and to vote
on it when the time comes to motion for a vote.

I don't think there is really a dedicated amount of time every month one
must dedicate to the PSC. My belief is simply if there is an RFC or
discussion that comes up on the mapguide-internals mailing list that
requires the attention of the PSC, that members are able to
reply/comment/vote within a reasonable time frame.

Knowledge of the MapGuide codebase is not a pre-requisite for being a PSC
member, but it is a "nice to have" as it would give valuable insight when it
comes to any PSC/RFC discussions. If there were any pre-requisites a
prospective PSC member must have in my eyes, it's simply experience in
MapGuide as a user, as a MG application developer, as a MG core developer,
etc. The more angles of experience you have in the MapGuide platform, the
better. But that's just my own personal opinion.

Hope that answers your questions.

- Jackie

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Jackie Ng
2018-01-24 10:30:22 UTC
I will also add to this (in terms of duties) that our desirable PSC member
should also have the ability to liase with OSGeo on any organizational

MapGuide Open Source is after all, a project under the OSGeo organizational

- Jackie

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Benoit Begin
2018-01-26 19:53:11 UTC
Hi Jackie,

Thanks for posting that link and giving extra details about what the work
would entail. I couldn't find any information about how to go about
proposing a candidature for the PSC.

It's something that I would be interested in, considering Mapguide has been
part of my professional life since version 6.3 and ActiveX controls!


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Jackie Ng
2018-02-01 12:06:34 UTC
Hi Benoit,

Since I'm just "winging this" whole thing anyways in the absence of formal
documented processes, I'd say just introduce yourself in the
mapguide-internals mailing list, give us a brief bio of your
experience/background with the MapGuide platform and any companion
technologies like FDO or any companion commercial geospatial products
(active or defunct) from Autodesk.

And a few days after that one of us in the existing PSC can put together a
motion to vote on your candidacy.

- Jackie

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2018-02-02 00:21:12 UTC
Hi all,

I am interested in joining the PSC, but do not know if I am qualified to be

I have experiences in developing web GIS/mapping application by customizing
MapGuide fusions, and utilizing GeoRest + MapGuide-Rest technology.

I love using and searching various online free libraries/frameworks/APIs
(OL2/3/4, Kaliopa Mobile Viewer, sidebar-v2, and Google Map API etc.) to
accomplish various goals of web mapping for my organization for both public
and internal uses.

TQB Public Mapping & GIS <https://maps.qualicumbeach.com/qbgis/>

Here are my skills and experiences: (from my resume)

GIS Technician
April 2013 to Current, Town of Qualicum Beach, Qualicum Beach, BC, Canada
 Designing customized municipal public & internal web GIS for general
public, and municipal internal requirements by using ASP.NET(C#), Bootstrap,
jQuery, Google Map, Openlayers 2/3/4, MapGuide APIs, Cesium.js, Autodesk
Infrastructure Map Server 2014/2017, Autodesk Infrastructure Studio, and
Autodesk Map 3D/Civil 3D
 Developing municipal web-based Asset Management System integrated
municipal internal GIS, AssetFinda (Asset Management Software) and Municipal
Accounting Information System (MAIS)
 Improving GIS system performance by using FME Workbench
 Managing and maintaining SQL Server spatial/non-spatial tables
 Gathering, updating and monitoring spatial and non-spatial data
municipal utility, services, and cadastral for municipal and general public
uses by using Autodesk Map/Civil 3D, and Infrastructure Map Server
 Collecting geographic utility field data by using Trimble GPS
 Providing IT/GIS training, and documents for the IT/non-IT

GIS Practicum Student
January 2013 to April 2013, Gaia Studio, Richmond, BC, Canada
 Developing natural resource management system using Google Earth
KMLs, JavaScript, jQuery and PostgreSQL database with PostGIS extension
 Setting up Linux Server (CentOS6.3), Apache Web Server, and
 GaiaStudio Platform for Forest-Modeling & 3D Visualization

Navy Corporal (Maintenance of Human Resource System)
July 2010 to June 2011, Human Resource Department of Navy, Taiwan
 Maintaining database (Microsoft SQL server) of Navy HR Online System
 Modifying the Navy Human Resource System, developing and designing
functions of Navy Human Resource Online System (Programing Languages: ASP,
ASP .NET, VB script, Fox pro, html, java script, ASP. NET AJAX, AJAX)

Geographic Information System (Advanced Diploma-with Distinction)
September 2012 to June 2013, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA-with Distinction) Degree
(Information Management)
September 2006 to February 2010, National Taiwan University of Science and
Technology (NTUST)

 Experience of implementing and managing municipal web GIS and Asset
Management Systems by using ASP.NET(C#), MapGuide API, GeoRest,
MapGuide-Rest, Openlayers3 API, Google Map/Earth API, Autodesk
Infrastructure Map Server, Autodesk Infrastructure Studio, AssetFinda and
Autodesk Map/Civil 3D
 Familiarity and experience in using in the flowing programing or
o ASP.NET, C#, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery
 Experience in ASP .NET with Visual Studio development environment
Microsoft SQL Server to design web applications
 Experience of developing GIS application by using PHP, Google Earth
and PostgreSQL DB
 Experience of using MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle
systems with geographic data types and operations
 Maintenance of Microsoft SQL Server spatial and non-spatial
 Experience of performing spatial analyses by using ArcGIS Model
with Python scripts and other ArcGIS spatial analyst tools
 Experience of collecting municipal utility geographic data by using
Trimble GPS devices, and importing and verifying the collected data with
record drawing by using Autodesk Civil 3D
 Experience of reading municipal utility engineering record drawing,
updating service cards
 Experience of using spatial querying function and various spatial
tools by using ArcGIS, and ArcSDE
 Experience of utilizing FME Workbench to improve the performance of
spatial data, and convert geographic data into other coordinate systems with
different data formats such as SHP, SQLite, SDF, KML and SQL Server Spatial
 Knowledge of using Autodesk Software such as AutoCAD, Autodesk
3D, Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server, Autodesk Infrastructure Studio

 Passion of developing useful and intuitive web/mobile GIS related
 Ability of fast researching, and utilizing information technologies
business solutions
 Ability to self-manage when finishing several tasks for projects and
complete series of different data analysis before deadlines
 Working with colleagues to complete data analysis under the

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Martin Morrison
2018-02-02 01:36:22 UTC
In my opinion you are well qualified. I have submitted your nomination to the PSC.


From: mapguide-users <mapguide-users-***@lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of RenoSun <***@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2018 7:21 PM
To: mapguide-***@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [mapguide-users] Accepting applications to join the MapGuide PSC

Hi all,

I am interested in joining the PSC, but do not know if I am qualified to be

I have experiences in developing web GIS/mapping application by customizing
MapGuide fusions, and utilizing GeoRest + MapGuide-Rest technology.

I love using and searching various online free libraries/frameworks/APIs
(OL2/3/4, Kaliopa Mobile Viewer, sidebar-v2, and Google Map API etc.) to
accomplish various goals of web mapping for my organization for both public
and internal uses.

TQB Public Mapping & GIS <https://maps.qualicumbeach.com/qbgis/>
Town of Qualicum Beach Public Mapping & GIS<https://maps.qualicumbeach.com/qbgis/>
Town of Qualicum Beach Public Mapping & GIS, Maps, Geographic Information Systems, Property, Strata, Building Permit, Report, Zoning, Garbage Calendars, Service Card, Water Quality Report

Here are my skills and experiences: (from my resume)

GIS Technician
April 2013 to Current, Town of Qualicum Beach, Qualicum Beach, BC, Canada
 Designing customized municipal public & internal web GIS for general
public, and municipal internal requirements by using ASP.NET(C#), Bootstrap,
jQuery, Google Map, Openlayers 2/3/4, MapGuide APIs, Cesium.js, Autodesk
Infrastructure Map Server 2014/2017, Autodesk Infrastructure Studio, and
Autodesk Map 3D/Civil 3D
 Developing municipal web-based Asset Management System integrated
municipal internal GIS, AssetFinda (Asset Management Software) and Municipal
Accounting Information System (MAIS)
 Improving GIS system performance by using FME Workbench
 Managing and maintaining SQL Server spatial/non-spatial tables
 Gathering, updating and monitoring spatial and non-spatial data
municipal utility, services, and cadastral for municipal and general public
uses by using Autodesk Map/Civil 3D, and Infrastructure Map Server
 Collecting geographic utility field data by using Trimble GPS
 Providing IT/GIS training, and documents for the IT/non-IT

GIS Practicum Student
January 2013 to April 2013, Gaia Studio, Richmond, BC, Canada
 Developing natural resource management system using Google Earth
KMLs, JavaScript, jQuery and PostgreSQL database with PostGIS extension
 Setting up Linux Server (CentOS6.3), Apache Web Server, and
 GaiaStudio Platform for Forest-Modeling & 3D Visualization

Navy Corporal (Maintenance of Human Resource System)
July 2010 to June 2011, Human Resource Department of Navy, Taiwan
 Maintaining database (Microsoft SQL server) of Navy HR Online System
 Modifying the Navy Human Resource System, developing and designing
functions of Navy Human Resource Online System (Programing Languages: ASP,
ASP .NET, VB script, Fox pro, html, java script, ASP. NET AJAX, AJAX)

Geographic Information System (Advanced Diploma-with Distinction)
September 2012 to June 2013, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA-with Distinction) Degree
(Information Management)
September 2006 to February 2010, National Taiwan University of Science and
Technology (NTUST)

 Experience of implementing and managing municipal web GIS and Asset
Management Systems by using ASP.NET(C#), MapGuide API, GeoRest,
MapGuide-Rest, Openlayers3 API, Google Map/Earth API, Autodesk
Infrastructure Map Server, Autodesk Infrastructure Studio, AssetFinda and
Autodesk Map/Civil 3D
 Familiarity and experience in using in the flowing programing or
o ASP.NET, C#, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery
 Experience in ASP .NET with Visual Studio development environment
Microsoft SQL Server to design web applications
 Experience of developing GIS application by using PHP, Google Earth
and PostgreSQL DB
 Experience of using MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle
systems with geographic data types and operations
 Maintenance of Microsoft SQL Server spatial and non-spatial
 Experience of performing spatial analyses by using ArcGIS Model
with Python scripts and other ArcGIS spatial analyst tools
 Experience of collecting municipal utility geographic data by using
Trimble GPS devices, and importing and verifying the collected data with
record drawing by using Autodesk Civil 3D
 Experience of reading municipal utility engineering record drawing,
updating service cards
 Experience of using spatial querying function and various spatial
tools by using ArcGIS, and ArcSDE
 Experience of utilizing FME Workbench to improve the performance of
spatial data, and convert geographic data into other coordinate systems with
different data formats such as SHP, SQLite, SDF, KML and SQL Server Spatial
 Knowledge of using Autodesk Software such as AutoCAD, Autodesk
3D, Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server, Autodesk Infrastructure Studio

 Passion of developing useful and intuitive web/mobile GIS related
 Ability of fast researching, and utilizing information technologies
business solutions
 Ability to self-manage when finishing several tasks for projects and
complete series of different data analysis before deadlines
 Working with colleagues to complete data analysis under the

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