[mapguide-users] MapGuide React
2018-10-16 03:39:05 UTC
Hey MapGuider's

I'm trying to get my head around the new react sidebar viewer and adapt it
to some specific needs ....

For the life of me I can't seem to get my head around the whole redux /
store / action .... I'm trying to add a sort of plan viewer as another
sidebar button / pane, it works well by itself but I'm now trying to
integrate it a little more by adding it to the application store so when a
feature with a certain attribute (basically a href ...) is clicked or a row
in a table is clicked it updates the application state and then the relevant
reducer or however it works ... updates the preview pane.

So basically I have a form with some search criteria that return some rows
I have a preview pane that holds an iframe to preview the document ....
I have a new application state / store that has a string value.
when the is updated I want the preview frame to change accordingly ....

If anyone can enlighten me with some examples of how to add a new reducer /
store and dispatch to it with regards to the new sidebar viewer it would be
great .... I feel I'm close to figuring it out ... I'll see if I can put an
example of what I'm trying to do up.

Also I'm basically forking the react viewer and making my changes, but
perhaps theres a better way to keep my changes more generic and separate so
I can better roll with any updates to the viewer

Another wall of text ...... sorry


MapGuide Maestro
MapGuide Opensource
Fusion, PHP, Apache
Windows 7 Pro SP1

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2018-10-17 03:09:34 UTC
OK I wasn't using the default export of the container in my layout ....
therefore the connect / MapDispatchToprops and what not wasn't getting

Looks like it works as expected knew it was gonna be something simple ....

Sorry to be a pain and answer my own problem ... I'll see if I can get an
example of what I've been paying around with maybe try and make it a bit
more generic.


MapGuide Maestro
MapGuide Opensource
Fusion, PHP, Apache
Windows 7 Pro SP1

Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/MapGuide-Users-f4182607.html
Jackie Ng
2018-10-17 12:11:55 UTC
Hey, sometimes just spelling out the problem into the ether will make the
solution reveal itself in due course. This tried and true method even has
its own name:


Anyways, regarding custom reducers, have you checked out this sample repo?


If you want to do this in a non-disruptive manner (ie. Not having to modify
and maintain your own fork of mapguide-react-layout) then the way to do it
is to create your own custom viewer bundle via the npm module and sub-class
the ApplicationViewModel and exporting that out to the MapGuide namespace as
MapGuide.Application instead of exporting the default ApplicationViewModel.

In your sub-classed ApplicationViewModel you can override getExtraReducers()
to add extra custom branches of application state as demonstrated here:


- Jackie

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