[mapguide-users] 30 seconds delay after creating +/-100 CreateRuntimeMap calls
Savelkoul Ben
2017-02-27 14:52:07 UTC

I am building a Openlayers client for AIMS where at loadtime I call the
server api to create a session and to create maps to work with within this
session. I use OPERATION=GETDYNAMICMAPOVERLAYIMAGE to call the layers from
openlayers. In some cases the number of CreateRuntimeMap calls to the server
can get higher than 100 in a few seconds. When this happens it seems that
the server needs to clear a cache of some sort, because there I see in the
logs that for (almost exactly) 30 seconds, nothing is happening. The http
calls that were send to the server to add the runtimemap to the session have
status 'pending' until the 30 sec lapse has passed.

Based on this behaviour I would expect that there should be some value in
the serverconfig.ini to increase the Cachelimit of some sort, but having
tweaked every value that even remotely looks like it might bring a solution,
I don't see what else I can do.

I already contacted the support team of AIMS, but so far they could not help
me. In fact they refered me to this forum.

Any help would be highly appreciated!

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Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Jackie Ng
2017-02-27 22:15:40 UTC
CREATERUNTIMEMAP itself will also create a session for you if you do not pass
a session id to it.

Do you pass the session ID to the CREATERUNTIMEMAP call? If not, that's 2
sessions created for every time you are starting up your viewer. If you are
doing 100 calls before seeing a 30s delay, assuming you didn't pass session
id to CREATERUNTIMEMAP, then that's (100 * 2 = 200 sessions created) and you
might have just hit the default value of SessionRepositoriesLimit in

If you haven't bumped up this value, you probably should.

- Jackie

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Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2017-02-27 23:24:23 UTC
Hi Jackie,

I do pass the session ID to the CREATERUNTIMEMAP call. I also tried to bump the SessionRepositoriesLimit value, but I've never encountered more than about 20 sessions at a time so that doesn't seem to be the problem. That is about 20 sessions since we haven't gone to production yet. If I encounter this problem in our test environment, I expect it only to be worse in production.

Now, I already changed some things in my viewers code to not load all the runtime maps at once into the session at startup. So, this keeps the problem from occurring for now. But I am not sure that will do for production.

Cheers, Ben


Ben Savelkoul
0494 64 63 73 | ***@geosolutions.be<mailto:***@geosolutions.be>

GEO Solutions nv, Prins Boudewijnlaan 41, 2650 Edegem
GIS op maat van uw organisatie |Advies | Analyse | Ontwikkeling | Data

From: Jackie Ng [via OSGeo.org] [mailto:ml-node+***@n6.nabble.com]
Sent: maandag 27 februari 2017 23:16
To: Savelkoul Ben <***@geosolutions.be>
Subject: Re: 30 seconds delay after creating +/-100 CreateRuntimeMap calls

CREATERUNTIMEMAP itself will also create a session for you if you do not pass a session id to it.

Do you pass the session ID to the CREATERUNTIMEMAP call? If not, that's 2 sessions created for every time you are starting up your viewer. If you are doing 100 calls before seeing a 30s delay, assuming you didn't pass session id to CREATERUNTIMEMAP, then that's (100 * 2 = 200 sessions created) and you might have just hit the default value of SessionRepositoriesLimit in serverconfig.ini

If you haven't bumped up this value, you probably should.

- Jackie
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Jackie Ng
2017-02-28 01:32:39 UTC
What is the rough pseudo-code of the thing you are doing ~100 times? I want
to try and get a gauge of what server resources could possible be consumed.

Also, what version of AIMS/MapGuide is this and what WebTier configuration
are you using?

- Jackie

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Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Benoit Begin
2017-02-28 20:07:23 UTC
One thing to keep in mind is if you are batching all those calls to the
mapagent, you might be hitting the cap for simultaneously opened http
requests to the same server. It's a little bit different from browser to
browser, but typically only 4 to 8 http requests can be opened
simultaneously to the same server. So since creating a runtime map can be a
little bit time consuming, specially when creating so many at once, you
might simply be stacking too many queries.

You could work around the issue by creating all your runtime maps
server-side using php/.net and then just returning an array of all the map
names you have created. This could check if the issue is creating so many
maps or if it's because of too many http queries at once.

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/30-seconds-delay-after-creating-100-CreateRuntimeMap-calls-tp5309691p5309989.html
Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2017-02-28 20:58:24 UTC
Thanks for your comment. In fact we are creating the runtime maps server side sending an array of map definitions in the request as you suggest. Now to reduce the load a little bit, I am only doing this for the maps that are to be visible at startup of the application. When the user switches additional layers on I add them to the session over http but in this case it's only for a few layers at a time at most, so we are not experiencing any problems there.

I am wondering, in this blogpost:
It is mentioned that: "There are still unexplored caching opportunities on the server side that could make these response times even faster!" could this be related to the unexplored caching opportunities?



Ben Savelkoul
0494 64 63 73 | ***@geosolutions.be<mailto:***@geosolutions.be>

GEO Solutions nv, Prins Boudewijnlaan 41, 2650 Edegem
GIS op maat van uw organisatie |Advies | Analyse | Ontwikkeling | Data

From: Benoit Begin [via OSGeo.org] [mailto:ml-node+***@n6.nabble.com]
Sent: dinsdag 28 februari 2017 21:07
To: Savelkoul Ben <***@geosolutions.be>
Subject: RE: 30 seconds delay after creating +/-100 CreateRuntimeMap calls

One thing to keep in mind is if you are batching all those calls to the mapagent, you might be hitting the cap for simultaneously opened http requests to the same server. It's a little bit different from browser to browser, but typically only 4 to 8 http requests can be opened simultaneously to the same server. So since creating a runtime map can be a little bit time consuming, specially when creating so many at once, you might simply be stacking too many queries.

You could work around the issue by creating all your runtime maps server-side using php/.net and then just returning an array of all the map names you have created. This could check if the issue is creating so many maps or if it's because of too many http queries at once.
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Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Jackie Ng
2017-02-28 23:34:57 UTC
If you ran CREATERUNTIMEMAP many times on the same map definition and same
set of parameters, the only difference in the responses you get back are the
session ids. Thus the caching opportunity is to save the rest of the XML
response as a cached "template" and for subsequent requests of the same map
and parameters, just fetch the stored template, plug in the new session id,
make the new MgMap/MgSelection in that session's repository and return that
plugged in XML response.

Still, I don't think this is the actual problem at hand. It might be a bit
slow on some big map definitions, but not "30 seconds" slow.

- Jackie

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/30-seconds-delay-after-creating-100-CreateRuntimeMap-calls-tp5309691p5310028.html
Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2017-03-01 07:56:48 UTC
This is the function we are using to create the runtime map, it is called
from a for-loop:

private void CreateMap(string name, MgMappingService srv)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
_log.Info("Trying to create map: " + name);
MgResourceIdentifier resourceID = new
MgResourceIdentifier("Library://" + name + "." +

_log.Info("MapDefinition resource: " +

srv.CreateRuntimeMap(resourceID, sessionId, 0, 100);

_log.Info("Map created");
catch (MgResourceNotFoundException e)
_log.Error("Failed to create map: " + name);
catch (Exception e)
_log.Error("Failed to create map: " + name);

This is what is being logged:

09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO Starting session
09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO Trying to create map:
09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO MapDefinition resource:
09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO Map created
09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO Trying to create map:
09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO MapDefinition resource:
09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO Map created
09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO Trying to create map:
09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO MapDefinition resource:
09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO Map created
09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO Trying to create map:
09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO MapDefinition resource:
09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO Map created
09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO Trying to create map:
09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO MapDefinition resource:
09 02 2017 11:22:41 INFO Map created
09 02 2017 11:22:42 INFO Trying to create map:
09 02 2017 11:22:42 INFO MapDefinition resource:
09 02 2017 11:22:42 INFO Map created
09 02 2017 11:22:42 INFO Trying to create map:
*09 02 2017 11:22:42 INFO MapDefinition resource:
09 02 2017 11:23:12 INFO Trying to create map:
09 02 2017 11:23:12 INFO MapDefinition resource:
09 02 2017 11:23:12 INFO Map created
09 02 2017 11:23:12 INFO Trying to create map:
09 02 2017 11:23:12 INFO MapDefinition resource:
09 02 2017 11:23:12 INFO Map created

So you can see clearly there is a pause or delay of exactly 30 seconds.

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/30-seconds-delay-after-creating-100-CreateRuntimeMap-calls-tp5309691p5310061.html
Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Benoit Begin
2017-03-01 20:14:01 UTC
I do believe you are leaking 1 MgByteReader per call.

Here is the definition of the function call:

public virtual *MgByteReader* CreateRuntimeMap(MgResourceIdentifier
mapDefinition, string sessionId, int requestedFeatures, int

It returns a MgByteReader. I strongly recommend putting it in a variable and
calling Dispose() directly on it. Odds are you are holding on to a bunch of
MgByteReader and the delay is the time the garbage collector takes to
manually dispose those objects.

My second recommendation would be to maybe not use CreateRuntimeMap. You are
not using the returned map definition whatsoever. You may as well just
create an MgMap and MgSelection directly and avoid some unecessary
processing? CreateRuntimeMap is useful when you want to have more
information about the map, including having Base64 icons for layers for a
legend type control. It doesn't look like this is the case for you.


View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/30-seconds-delay-after-creating-100-CreateRuntimeMap-calls-tp5309691p5310195.html
Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Jackie Ng
2017-03-02 01:10:38 UTC
This is sadly a leaky abstraction that is unavoidable at the moment.

You have to be cognizant of the fact that although you're writing .net code,
it is .net code that ultimately wraps and interops to native C/C++ code, so
its memory management and lifecycle issues can crop up in your .net code if
you write your code in a "too .net" fashion.

So, I'd extend Benoit's advice to say that you should be capturing to a
variable *any method in the MapGuide API that returns an object reference*,
not just methods that return MgByteReaders.

- Jackie

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/30-seconds-delay-after-creating-100-CreateRuntimeMap-calls-tp5309691p5310221.html
Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2017-03-02 14:39:08 UTC

Thanks a lot for the explanation! Appears this was the problem indeed.

Now, every time the CreateMap function is executed, I capture the returned
object to a variable. Then I call Dispose() on it, and the proble is solved.

I'll make sure to check the rest of my code on similar issues.


View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/30-seconds-delay-after-creating-100-CreateRuntimeMap-calls-tp5309691p5310368.html
Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

2017-02-28 21:00:10 UTC
We are using AIMS 2015 at the moment.
I'll post a code snippet of what we are trying to do tomorrow when at the office.



Ben Savelkoul
0494 64 63 73 | ***@geosolutions.be<mailto:***@geosolutions.be>

GEO Solutions nv, Prins Boudewijnlaan 41, 2650 Edegem
GIS op maat van uw organisatie |Advies | Analyse | Ontwikkeling | Data

From: Jackie Ng [via OSGeo.org] [mailto:ml-node+***@n6.nabble.com]
Sent: dinsdag 28 februari 2017 2:33
To: Savelkoul Ben <***@geosolutions.be>
Subject: RE: 30 seconds delay after creating +/-100 CreateRuntimeMap calls

What is the rough pseudo-code of the thing you are doing ~100 times? I want to try and get a gauge of what server resources could possible be consumed.

Also, what version of AIMS/MapGuide is this and what WebTier configuration are you using?

- Jackie
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