[mapguide-users] AIMS 2017 Base Maps Shown Above AIMS Layers At Zoom Level 1:1128.49722
2017-11-20 19:45:55 UTC
Hi all,

I am facing the issue if I am using tiled base layers with commercial/manual
layers scale list, and the base maps such as Bing/OSM will be shown above my
AIMS layers at zoom level 1:1128.49722. Although, I didn't turn on the tiled
base layers... the fusion still put the base maps above all my AIMS layers.

I noticed the Fusion will not make a "GETDYNAMICMAPOVERLAYIMAGE" request to
the map server when I zoom to scale 1:1128.49722 if the commercial base
layer was ON.

Screen captures

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2017-11-20 20:27:21 UTC
Solution will be changing the Nearest Zoom In Value to 1128.497176
<Loading Image...>

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