[mapguide-users] ECW in MapGuide 3.1
Hans Milling
2018-02-23 07:49:14 UTC
Hi all

How can I get ECW to work in MapGuide 3.1? I tried the DLL's for MapGuide
But they do not work.
It seems that MapGuide 3.1 is compiled with MSVC2015 and requires GDAL 1.10.
On the GISInternals site I can only find 1.9 compiled with MSVC2015:

Please advise.

Best regards
Hans Milling...

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Jackie Ng
2018-02-23 11:26:14 UTC
3.1.0 you're out of luck.

For 3.1.1 you can grab MSVC2015-compiled GDAL 2.2.3 binaries and follow:

- Jackie

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Benoit Begin
2018-02-23 20:10:13 UTC
I'm kind of concerned about this. Not because it doesn't work in 3.1.0, but
because in all of our deployments thus far we have had no issues getting ECW
to work on Mapguide 3.1.0.

Would this be a Linux only issue or something else? I looked at what we
install and it's the content of the gdal-1.10-msvc2012-x64.zip and I'm
fairly certain we got it off of the OSGEO website.

Looking at what we deploy, it's the regular build on 64-bits on
Windows. So it really seems like we're as vanilla as it comes and doing the
steps in the initial link works just fine. Honestly, outside of forgetting
to set the GDAL_DRIVER_PATH environment variable, it was never an issue for
us. Maybe the environment variable isn't set properly or for whatever reason
the Mapguide service process doesn't have access to read it properly?

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Hans Milling
2018-02-26 07:20:23 UTC
I'm on Windows. So there is still hope. Do you point the GDAL_DRIVER_PATH
environment variable to the OSGEO\MapGuide\Server\FDO or the
...FDO\gdalplugins directory?

Best regards
Hans Milling...

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Hans Milling
2018-02-26 07:31:46 UTC
The GDAL_DRIVER_PATH sort of works. I set it to the Server\Fdo\gdalplugins
directory. But the ECW is in black and white. I guess this is because the
ECW files are in a newer format than the driver can handle.

Best regards
Hans Milling...

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Benoit Begin
2018-02-26 19:02:02 UTC
Looks like you got it working better, but I will confirm that we do point to
\OSGeo\MapGuide\Server\Fdo\gdalplugins for the GDAL_DRIVER_PATH.

I do recall some weirdness happening when the alpha band was used in the
past. I'm going from memory, but I could be wrong. An ECW had 4 color bands,
so ARGB. Our issue was that the alpha band wasn't properly managed so they
appeared with 100% transparency. So this isn't exactly what's happening to
you. I can confirm, however, that an ECW generated with FME Desktop 2013 SP4
are properly handled by Mapguide as long as it's a 3-band RGB image.

I would look into what color bands your ECWs are using maybe?

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Philip Nell
2018-03-20 04:24:15 UTC
Hi Jackie
Are you going to release a more 'official' 3.1.1 build?
We found that 3.1.0 on Windows 2016 server does not show ecw's, but version
3.1.1 does. It however has the word 'Test' in the service name...
Philip Nell

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Jackie Ng
2018-03-20 05:38:53 UTC
A release candidate of 3.1.1 will drop tonight. Doing some final verification
of some bug fixes.

- Jackie

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Jackie Ng
2018-03-20 23:04:53 UTC
RC release has been pushed back to tonight due to a last minute problem
discovered when doing smoke tests for Ubuntu.

- Jackie

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2018-03-21 22:48:12 UTC
Fantastic. That build works great with ECWs!
And it fixes the SQL server bug that requires the user to connect to every


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Philip Nell
2018-03-22 00:38:38 UTC
Hi Gordon,
Where did you get the 3.1.1 RC?
Can you give me the link?
Philip Nell

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Jackie Ng
2018-03-22 01:11:28 UTC
Haven't announced yet because ubuntu bits still not up, but if you want the
windows bits now:


- Jackie

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Philip Nell
2018-03-22 01:16:01 UTC
Hi Jacki,
Thank you very much. I am after the Windows bits.

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Philip Nell
2018-03-25 23:58:21 UTC
Hi Jacki, Any estimate on the time frame to final release of 3.1.1?

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Jackie Ng
2018-03-26 13:14:34 UTC
Barring any show-stoppers: One week from now.

- Jackie

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2018-03-28 20:03:34 UTC
For MapGuide 3.1.1 in Windows 64 bit:

1. Download

2. Stop the MapGuide Service

3, Unzip and copy contents of the BIN into the C:\Program
Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Server\Fdo folder

4. Copy the C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Server\Fdo\gdal\plugins folder
and paste it in the C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Server\bin folder.

5. Rename the plugins to gdalplugins so you end up with a folder called
C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Server\bin\gdalplugins

6. Start the MapGuide Service

I can confirm the GDAL data source can now view both MR SID and ECW files.

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2018-06-18 09:09:22 UTC

i have tried with the configuration given, i am working with Ecw image
format and Tiff Format, i am able to see raster layer attached to map i
layout legend , but i couldn't see anything in layout.

Do i need to change any configuration in serverconfig file. please advise

Thank you


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2018-06-18 10:20:25 UTC
I couldn't get this when I installed 3.1.1 over 3 or 3.1. I had to
completely uninstall 3.1 or 3.0 first.

Once I did that and install 3.1.1, restart, and follow the steps, it worked
for me.

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2018-06-20 06:43:29 UTC

I tried removing all the old stuff and installed 3.1.1 , but no luck, i am
trying with 2 server environment , installed web server ext. in one
server-1(IIS- PHP) and Mapguide Server on sever-2

Followed Gdal Configuration on Server-2. will that be an issue..?

If that is the case how i need to configure Gdal registered in both the
servers, please advise


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Jackie Ng
2018-06-20 06:49:24 UTC
The web tier knows nothing (and should not need to know anything) about FDO
(and its ECW-enabled GDAL provider), so you should only need to this
configuration on server-2

- Jackie

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2018-08-03 04:57:17 UTC

Thank you Jackie and Gordon , it works well with server 2012


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