And what I am reffering to is: "
*We free software developers should support one another." *And contribute
and adopt only GPL licensed projects or in the case of server software AGPL
licensed projects
So users must be aware and understand the consequences of this when they
choose to use the LesserGPL software!
2018-01-16 20:21 GMT+00:00 Martin Morrison <***>:
> I think was Gordon was referring to was; the more people use it, the more
> likely the project will thriveâŠ
> *Martin Morrison*
> * Infrastructure Application Engineer/Systems Analyst Engineering
> Design Systems, Inc. 540.345.1410 ******
> <***>
> [image: cid:***@01D2249F.40681A50]
> [image: cid:***@01D2249F.40681A50]
> <>[image:
> cid:***@01D2249F.40681A50]
> <> [image:
> cid:***@01D2249F.40681A50]
> <>
> ** <>
> *From:* mapguide-users [mailto:mapguide-users-***] *On
> Behalf Of *Ricardo Pinho
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 16, 2018 3:03 PM
> *To:* MapGuide Users Mail List <mapguide-***>
> *Subject:* Re: [mapguide-users] Moving to MGOS from AIMS
> Sorry Gordon, but I must disagree on that statement!
> The *beauty of Free and Open Source is all about it's License*, that
> promotes 4 liberties: use, share, modify and distribute!
> And the success of of OS depends on the Developers community!
> Since Autodesk as adopted LGPL for Mapguide Open Source,
> This license compromises it's future and the developers community.
> You should read the explanation bellow:
> <>
> *The choice of license makes a big difference: using the Lesser GPL
> permits use of the library in proprietary programs; using the ordinary GPL
> for a library makes it available only for free programs.*
> *Proprietary software developers, seeking to deny the free competition an
> important advantage, will try to convince authors not to contribute
> libraries to the GPL-covered collection. For example, they may appeal to
> the ego, promising âmore users for this libraryâ if we let them use the
> code in proprietary software products. Popularity is tempting, and it is
> easy for a library developer to rationalize the idea that boosting the
> popularity of that one library is what the community needs above all. *
> *But we should not listen to these temptations, because we can achieve
> much more if we stand together. We free software developers should support
> one another. By releasing libraries that are limited to free software only,
> we can help each other's free software packages outdo the proprietary
> counterparts. The whole free software movement will have more popularity,
> because free software as a whole will stack up better against the
> competition.*
> Today there is even a better license for server software, the A-GPL:
> *The purpose of the GNU Affero GPL is to prevent a problem that affects
> developers of free programs that are often used on servers.*
> Read more about it:
> *But suppose the program is mainly useful on servers. When D modifies the
> program, he might very likely run it on his own server and never release
> copies. Then you would never get a copy of the source code of his version,
> so you would never have the chance to include his changes in your version.
> You may not like that outcome. Using the GNU Affero GPL avoids that
> outcome. If D runs his version on a server that everyone can use, you too
> can use it. Assuming he has followed the license requirement to let the
> server's users download the source code of his version, you can do so, and
> then you can incorporate his changes into your version. (If he hasn't
> followed it, you have your lawyer complain to him.)*
> Cheers!
> 2018-01-16 17:45 GMT+00:00 GordonL <***>:
> The bright-ness is about who uses it. The more we use it, the more likely
> it
> becomes a standard.
> The success of Open Source is not sales but community participation and
> adoption.
> --
> Sent from:
> f4182607.html
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> --
> Ricardo Pinho
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Ricardo Pinho