[mapguide-users] Google Map
2018-04-06 21:30:18 UTC

It is impossible to use Google Maps with MGOS 3.1 since two or three days?
Any idea?

Error Details:Exception occurred in AJAX callback.
Message: L’objet ne gère pas la propriété ou la méthode « test »
Location: undefined (undefined)
Inner Stack: TypeError: L’objet ne gère pas la propriété ou la méthode «
test »
at Array.prototype.find
at Wc.prototype.addListener

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Jackie Ng
2018-04-09 09:41:09 UTC
Check this thread:

- http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapguide-users/2018-April/033537.html

- Jackie

Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/MapGuide-Users-f4182607.html
2018-06-15 07:54:01 UTC
I'm using Maguide 3.1 version and today seems Google maps stopped working,
error related to maps api.
Previously I have changed one row in layout xml like Gordon suggested:
But this is not helping.

Does it means that we cant use Google map layers anymore with Mapguide?


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Hans Milling
2018-06-15 08:44:22 UTC
Google announced that:
1. From June 11 you cannot use google maps any more unless a credit card is
attached to your google account.
2. You cannot use google maps without a valid API key generated by your
google account for the specific site.

Google maps is now way more expensive than before. I recommend you check how
many "loads" yoru sites have before you give them your credit card

You can see the new price model here:

I suspect this is why your google maps stopped working.

Best regards
Hans Milling...

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Jackie Ng
2018-06-18 05:37:28 UTC
Is there any practical reason to support Google Maps in Fusion now in light
of this announcement?

- Jackie

Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/MapGuide-Users-f4182607.html
2018-06-18 17:00:25 UTC
Hi Jackie,

Here are my practical reasons for keeping Google Maps in Fusion:

1. Google Maps usually provide more comprehensive, better
street/POI/imagery/Street View/3D Mesh in most area including rural,
non-popular cities compared to other map APIs.

2. Many local/global government will submit their latest aerial/satellite
imagery to Google Maps team since they has a platform for the users desire
to submit their high resolution/accuracy imagery. The reason for most
government/non-government organizations submitting their latest imagery is
to benefit their citizens/visitors/tourism etc. I tried to contact Bing Map,
but they don’t even have a built platform for me to submit the new aerial
imagery to them…yet

3. For the mapguide users who are willing to pay/potentially will pay for
the Google Maps API

4. Google Maps Street View

5. It seems just a trend to me for the web map/non-map APIs to ask their
user to sign up an account with payment info for using their services. Then,
they may only charge the users who are using over certain amount requests,
or for certain purposes/types of organization etc.
• Cesium.js https://cesium.com/pricing/
• Thunderforest https://www.thunderforest.com/pricing/
• Mapbox https://www.mapbox.com/pricing/

I am hoping that we may keep Google Maps API in Fusion. Also, I am even
hoping mapguide Fusion may allow users to use their paid/free web XYZ tiled
imagery from other map APIs/web tiled services such as Mapbox
(https://www.mapbox.com/), Thunderforest (https://www.thunderforest.com/),
Digital Globe (http://www.digitalglobe.com/platforms/mapsapi), mapguide-rest
xyz tiles from different servers, ESRI ArcGIS tiled map service, and Here
Map Tiled API etc.
<Loading Image...>

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2018-06-18 17:41:19 UTC
It would be nice to have the Google Maps support.
It actually the fastest map background to have.
So for those users who willing to pay, why not to have maps support.


Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/MapGuide-Users-f4182607.html
2018-06-19 22:05:08 UTC
After generating an API key from Google linked to an authorized billing
account, how would I authorize MapGuide to use said API key? The old AIMS
Studio accepted a ClientID generated by Google but it appears that Google
Cloud Platform does not give these out anymore. Is there a way to apply the
API key using Maestro? Or will it require it be done programatically? Thanks

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2018-06-19 22:51:35 UTC
Step 1: Using Maestro
Step 2: Double click on your Fusion/Flexible layout (using Google Maps base
Step 3: Click Edit as XML button
Step 4: Scroll to the button of the XML, and find XML tag called
Step 5: It should be looks like following XML...


Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/MapGuide-Users-f4182607.html
2018-06-19 22:55:46 UTC
Thank you very much, that worked.

Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/MapGuide-Users-f4182607.html
2018-09-12 06:33:31 UTC
Hi Everyone,

I made similar changes to my Fusion Maps some time ago and it worked like a
However starting about 3 weeks ago the "a.test is not a function" error
message resurfaced.
I made the change over to Google Maps Javascript API "Pay for Maps", got my
API Key regenerated and it is working in all my other Websites.
It is just Mapguide that I can't get going again.

I Upgraded my Mapguide to and Maestro to just to make
sure it is not a version specific problem but still nothing.
My XML entry as per RenoSun's suggestion:

Have any of experienced the same recently?

PS: I would really love continued support for Google API access in Fusion. I
just find it faster and has a wider variety of accurate tools.

Thanks in advance.

Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/MapGuide-Users-f4182607.html
2018-09-12 15:54:32 UTC
Yes "a.test is not a function" occures for me using 3.1.1 build of
fusion(with google maps api patch).
I got google maps working only with latest test build fusion, but only
through php and not index.html


Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/MapGuide-Users-f4182607.html
2018-09-12 16:03:37 UTC
Hi CBeuk,

Google Maps API has changed the way that they want the user to use their
service with different URL parameters.


I am using the Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server 2017, and mine is still

Please see "MapGuide 3.1.1 Release Notes" --> "Fusion with Google Maps fix"
see this will fix your problem :)

Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/MapGuide-Users-f4182607.html
2018-09-12 16:12:35 UTC
Actually I got it working today, I cant understand why it was not working for
me previously.
I tried it with 3.1.1(with google patch) and script tag in my xml is


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Charl Jameson Beukes
2018-09-13 10:28:23 UTC
Now I just feel stupid. I had seen the suggested patch and assumed it was included in the 3.1.1 build.
I applied the Google Fix patch and yes, it works 100%.
Thanks for the PEBKAC error identification.


-----Original Message-----
From: mapguide-users <mapguide-users-***@lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Kajar
Sent: 12 September 2018 06:13 PM
To: mapguide-***@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [mapguide-users] Google Map

Actually I got it working today, I cant understand why it was not working for me previously.
I tried it with 3.1.1(with google patch) and script tag in my xml is


Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/MapGuide-Users-f4182607.html
2018-10-08 05:22:11 UTC
Hi RenoSun,

May i know how do you make it work on your AIMS 2017?

Currently i'm using AIMS 2017 and i still get an error:
Uncaught TypeError: a.test is not a function

i have try all the suggestion given including try to replace AIMS 2017
fusion folder with fusion from "Fusion with Google Maps fix". Still didn't

Appreciate the help.

Thanks in advanced.

Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/MapGuide-Users-f4182607.html
2018-10-08 16:59:26 UTC
It was problem also for me with Osgeo mapguide, when I used Studio for
setting up Google api key.
How I got it working:
1)Open same layout you created with Studio in Maestro, open layout as xml
and delete google script row.
2)Set api key for Google maps using Maestro and save.
3)Open same layout again in Studio and untick option which points Google api
and save.
This was working for me.
Only problem I have is that Google API key checker not recognizing any API
key my site is using, but Google maps at least loading.
When I open same layout in xml editor, then api key is actually presented in


Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/MapGuide-Users-f4182607.html
2018-06-15 17:26:32 UTC
Yeah, you will have to subscribe, and set up your/your company credit card
information with Google by using Google Console in order to use any Google
Map related APIs like what Hans Milling posted.

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