[mapguide-users] Synchronize multiple mapguide instances
Mark Bratcher
2017-02-23 18:48:10 UTC
Does anyone know of a way to keep multiple mapguide instances synchronized.
I have about 6 instances that currently I have to manually make changes to
each one. Some automation would save a lot of time and mistakes.

On Feb 23, 2017 1:26 PM, "Rémy Gourrat" <***@ag-carto.fr> wrote:


With mapguide viewer ajax, I use this old tip to increase raster tiles
display without use the mapagent => https://trac.osgeo.org/

It’s incredible more faster.

Is there a way to apply it in React.Js viewer ?

Thanks for your advice


AG-Carto - Bayonne

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Jackie Ng
2017-02-24 00:15:25 UTC
This is a untapped space that I've only dipped my feet in, but you should
look at putting MapGuide inside docker containers.

You can then script out the install/data/configuration set up in the
Dockerfiles. You can leverage docker shared volumes to put shared spatial
data files and reference them from MapGuide containers with external

With Windows 10 / Server 2016, you can have windows docker containers as

- Jackie

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Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Mark Bratcher
2017-02-24 14:10:18 UTC
Thanks Jackie, I'm going to give this thing a shot and I'll share any
success stories with the group.
Post by Jackie Ng
This is a untapped space that I've only dipped my feet in, but you should
look at putting MapGuide inside docker containers.
You can then script out the install/data/configuration set up in the
Dockerfiles. You can leverage docker shared volumes to put shared spatial
data files and reference them from MapGuide containers with external
With Windows 10 / Server 2016, you can have windows docker containers as
- Jackie
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*Mark Bratcher*
*Atlas Geographic Data, Inc.*
*voice: 910.256.9892*
*cell: 910.547.7105*
*www.atlasgeodata.com <http://www.atlasgeodata.com>*
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Srecko Lipovsek
2017-03-15 22:27:37 UTC

I'm using ResourceMigrator class from Maestro API for syncing repository
items between nodes. I wrote small tool wich enumerate central Mapguide
repository and migrate items to other Mapguide nodes. Fortunately
RepositoryItem have property "Last Modified Date" (in UTC). This property
can be used for syncing only resources from some datetime ahead. I save last
successfull sync datetime for each node so each new sync migrate only
repository items from last successfull datetime.

I'm running multiple Mapguide nodes behind HaProxy LoadBallancer (with
sticky session) and for now it works very well.

Hope those informations helps ...

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Synchronize-multiple-mapguide-instances-tp5309286p5312572.html
Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Jackie Ng
2017-03-16 02:46:58 UTC
Interesting. Is each load balanced instance a server/web tier pair? So that
you're basically HAProxy-ing to each mapagent?

- Jackie

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Srecko Lipovsek
2017-03-16 08:32:31 UTC
Yes, each node is server/web tier pair.
This was the reason for syncing repository between nodes.
Sticky session in HaProxy need to be set, because all requests from one user
need to be redirected to the same backend node (Mapguide Session).
HaProxy has also the ability of healt check if one of node fails.

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Synchronize-multiple-mapguide-instances-tp5309286p5312637.html
Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Mark Bratcher
2017-03-16 13:30:04 UTC

Thanks for sharing I figured that would be possible but I haven't dug into
the API, that may be just the thing I need.
Would you mind sharing a bit of your implementation? I understand if you
I'm also running multiple instances behind HaProxy with basically the same
setup. I have about 70 top level repository items spread across 6 machines,
each resource is on a minimum of two machines and every machine is
identical so I can move resource between machines.
Post by Srecko Lipovsek
Yes, each node is server/web tier pair.
This was the reason for syncing repository between nodes.
Sticky session in HaProxy need to be set, because all requests from one user
need to be redirected to the same backend node (Mapguide Session).
HaProxy has also the ability of healt check if one of node fails.
View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.
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mapguide-users mailing list
*Mark Bratcher*
*Atlas Geographic Data, Inc.*
*voice: 910.256.9892*
*cell: 910.547.7105*
*www.atlasgeodata.com <http://www.atlasgeodata.com>*
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Srecko Lipovsek
2017-03-16 14:04:07 UTC

Have you try Migrate function in Maestro.
Right click on resource (e.g. MapDefinition) and pick Migrate ...

I use exactly the same implementation as here for syncing repository.
Only diferences are ability to connect to multiple destination servers and
enumeration of reporitory for "Last Modified Date" which is also implemented
in Maestro API in ResourceService class (look at GetRepositoryResources

All code is practically written in Maestro, just put it together to fit your
needs ...

My implementation is connected to local database, where I store node
information, sync datetime for each node and log if something goes wrong ...

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Synchronize-multiple-mapguide-instances-tp5309286p5312695.html
Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Rémy Gourrat
2017-03-17 09:38:04 UTC

I'm very interesting by multiple MapGuide server but i am afraid by desynchronization multiple servers.

I had an idea but I couldn't get time to develop it.

Create an aspx/asmx wich replacing the url server in connect dialog box mapagent.fcgi in Mapguide maestro.

This aspx/asmx duplicates each maestro query to multiples mapagent.fcgi.

And if one of this server return an error the aspx/asmx return the error to maestro and rollback the modification for others server.

Wich will be the issues encontred ?


AG-Carto - Bayonne
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