I usually ask my clients to install GeoServer (also open source) to host WFS
or WFS. Because MapGuide WFS is not compatible with ArcGIS or QGIS and some
others (at least version 2.0 and 2.2). Only MapInfo I could get it to work.
But perhaps things are better in 3.1.
You need to setup WFS properly and then tell MapGuide what to make available
in the WFS services. Here is how:
To get WFS server configured properly, do this:
1. Open the site administrator from Maestro or go to:
2. Open "Configure WFS"
3. Change Server name from:
This field contains the name if the server is accessed from outside the
You can use external IP or the like. But localhost points to the local
machine, so if you try to call the WFS from somewhere else, the WFS XML will
contain links to localhost and that is not valid unless you are running QGIS
from the same server as MapGuide is running. So if you need to access the
WFS from some other machine you need to put the server name or IP here. If
the WFS is to be access from people all over the world, you need the
external IP or domain name here. Also when running on IIS you are using port
80 for HTTP traffic as default and you need to change the port to port 80 to
make it work. Port 8008 is only for Apache installations I think. MapGuide
in IIS is using port 80 as default.
Now WFS is set up properly, you need to tell MapGuide what is available on
the users of the WFS service.
1. From MapGuide Maestro right click the FeatureSource you want available on
your WFS server and select thw WFS tab. Setup the title, and make sure to
check "Available". Also set the SRS and bounds properly. Click ok and when
you refresh your WFS (GetCapabilities) the feature source should be
Make sure that the feature source or any columns names only contain letters
a-z and numbers 0-9. If you have spaces, accents (é) letters from russian,
chinese or anything else, most desktop GIS systems will fail to load the WFS
do to the poor implementation in MapGuide.
One last thing, try to change the version=x.x.x to version=1.0.0
or version=1.1.0 in your desktop GIS (the GetCapabilities string) where you
try to add the WFS. I am not sure if MapGuide supports 1.3 or newer (only
change if still can not get it to work).
I hope this helps.
Best Regards
Hans Milling...
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